We are proud to unveil our new CSR brand identity

We Care brings together all the commitments and values we uphold throughout the year:
Our logo features a coral branch and a tropical monstera leaf, which come together to form a heart, to showcase our initiatives to protect nature and the ocean, two elements deeply rooted in Polynesian culture. The symbol emits the warmth of the Polynesian people, beating for their fenua. The heart is also a symbol that we care about the well-being of our staff and the local community.
A single message: Protection, respect and commitment
We encourage the smart management of our resources within our infrastructures and through waste management, while also prioritizing the protection of biodiversity by promoting sustainable initiatives and practices.
Identify and promote energy transition opportunities
We use 100% LED bulbs to reduce our energy consumption.
Activating and updating the carbon emissions reduction plan
Creation of a “Greenhouse gas assessment” committee to implement the actions needed to reduce our production of greenhouse gases, following the completion of an assessment for our hotels.
Optimize water and resource management in our hotel
We have installed pressure reducers on the shower heads to optimize water consumption.
Help restore and protect Polynesia's unique biodiversity and ecosystems
We power our Biorock structure with solar energy to accelerate coral growth and help restore the marine ecosystem.
Developing selective sorting
We have set up a waste management plan to encourage waste sorting and recycling within the hotel. This involves installing waste sorting garbage cans in the hotel, training staff in waste sorting, and recycling ink cartridges, batteries and light bulbs.
Prioritizing the use of products with low environmental impact
We have implemented an ozonated water machine to clean our common areas, rooms, restaurants and kitchens.
Eliminating single-use plastic
We have installed soap dispensers in place of single-use items.
Measuring and reducing food waste
Installation of a Caeterra composter to recycle our green and food waste.
Investing in the development of carbon offseting projects in Polynesia
To help reduce greenhouse gas emissions as set out in the French Polynesia Climate Plan, we encourage and support innovative local carbon offseting projects.
Plan climat 2030 de la Polynésie française - Accueil
Our hotel is committed to strengthening ties with the local community by supporting associations, suppliers, guests, as well as schools and universities, through volunteering, donations, cultural promotion, and supporting local producers
Sharing the local culture with authenticity
We organize Polynesian wedding ceremonies for people wishing to marry in the local tradition.
Organizing CSR events with our valued partners
Every year, we organize two clean-ups of the island of Bora Bora, in collaboration with other hotels on the island and companies involved in local tourism.
Pursuing CSR certification
The Maitai Polynesia Bora Bora is currently at Platinum level of EarthCheck certification.
Sponsoring local associations on various CSR themes
We work in partnership with several local associations such as :
- Ia Vai Ma Noa on projects promoting the island's economic, social, cultural and ecological development.
- Caddy Du Cœur through donations to help local populations in need.
- Bora Bora Animara to raise awareness of the need to protect and manage the island's animal population.
Communicating on our CSR initiatives
To inform and raise awareness among our stakeholders (schools, associations, guests, suppliers, etc) of efforts we engage to support local initiatives, promote social inclusion and protect the environment.
Implementing a responsible purchasing policy to and improve ncrease our sustainable sourcing
Based on the ISO 26000 standard, we have drawn up a responsible purchasing charter. We work actively to select products that meet demanding criteria in terms of environmental, ethical and social impact. Our aim is to give preference to certified and labelled products. By the end of 2025, all our teams will be trained in more responsible and sustainable consumption.
Lead and participate in local and international networks of committed companies
We share best practices and draw inspiration from virtuous business models.
We place well-being and professional equality at the heart of our commitment to our employees, while raising their awareness on CSR issues. We actively engage them through various events and workshops throughout the year.
Leading and supporting the network of CSR coordinators
Organization of monthly and quarterly meetings between the various CSR representatives of our establishments to monitor our actions.
Raising employee awareness on sorting waste and protecting biodiversity
Training courses and interventions on behalf of organizations to raise employee awareness of sustainable development issues
Promoting well-being at work
Introduction of an annual employee satisfaction survey
Promoting and sharing local culture
We highlight Polynesian culture through the uniforms worn by all our employees.
Developing our employer brand
We are committed to creating a strong corporate culture, and inspiring our employees to excel in their daily work.
Promoting equality in the workplace
We aim to provide all our employees with an inclusive working environment where every talent has an equal chance of success.
Involving employees in the CSR process
We involve our staff in the hotel's CSR initiatives. A Green Team, made up of all committed employees, takes an active part in CSR events organized within the hotel throughout the year.
The EarthCheck Certification
EarthCheck is an environmental benchmarking and
certification program designed for all stakeholders in the tourism and
hospitality industry who want to engage in sustainable development
The Maitai Polynesia Bora Bora hotel has been a member of this
certification for many years. It has achieved the highest EarthCheck
accreditation level, Platinum. Very few establishments worldwide have
reached this level.
To display this label, the company must undergo an initial consulting
phase to define and evaluate its environmental policy and must implement
a number of actions in different areas that align with our WE CARE
- Implementation of a sustainable development policy
- Management of water, paper, and energy consumption
- Waste management
- Reduction or elimination of pesticides and cleaning and hygiene chemicals products
- Commitment to local communities